Chloe has been selected as the December 2019 student of the month!
What are your goals for this year?
"My goals this year are to end the year knowing I have improved in every way possible as a dancer as well as having learnt the skills of hard work ethic, ambition and confidence to persevere through any challenges laid before me and bring joy to people through dance. Academically I’ve also strived to maintain good grades that will reflect the effort I’ve put in."
What is a favorite hobby outside of dance?
"Outside of dance I enjoy photography where I am able to explore different perspectives and I also thoroughly enjoy baking, reading and being around family and friends."
What inspirational thought would you share as an encouragement to others?
"In a world where you have so little say about what goes on in your life, it is truly a wonderful gift to go into that studio and tell yourself what to do. Never underestimate the power of consistency and determination as it will guide you to an understanding of why you do what you do and how you are willing to do so with the help of the Lord who will crown your efforts with success."
At Elite, we love our students and will highlight the masterpieces that they are each month. Chloe is the December 2019 Student of the Month. Elite is sponsored by Johannesburg Arts Conservatory.